Easy Tequila Mockingbird Recipe

From the Tequila Mockingbird cocktail book, comes this sweet and tasty concoction! Using only 3 ingredients, this is one cocktail that is simple to prepare and always a favorite!

Easy Tequila Mockingbird Recipe

Yesterday was my hubby’s birthday! Since it was a Friday and the kids were in school, he took the day off of work so we could have a “date day”. We went out to breakfast, ran errands (oh the fun, right?), went shopping, and enjoyed the day together! He opened up presents in the evening and one of the gifts he received from my parents was the book “Tequila Mockingbird”.

Lately, my hubby has been playing bartender a bit more and experimenting with new drinks. He’s been building up our cocktail collection and I have been more than happy to play “guinea pig” to his latest creations!

As he was browsing through the book, this cocktail jumped out at him.  He realized we had all the ingredients on hand already, so it came together in no time! In fact, he had this ready to go while he was grilling. Good at multi-tasking, huh?

Using only 3 ingredients, it was simple, quick, and the end result was a fruity, sweet, tropical type drink that was just what the evening called for. We didn’t have any fruit on hand, but if serving at a party, maybe add a pineapple wedge as garnish?

With summer weather coming up, this drink perfect! Sip on it while sitting by the pool, enjoy at a BBQ, a quiet evening beverage, etc.

Enjoy, but please drink responsibly!


  • 1 oz Vodka
  • 1/2 oz Blue Curacao
  • 1 can Lemon Lime Soda aka Sprite
  • Pineapple wedge, for garnish (optional)

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